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Lee Gilby b.1966

Lincolnshire based photographic abstractionist. 

Self taught photographer, developed craft through study and personal experimentation.

Began exhibiting in 2014 after encouragement from The Abbey walk Gallery team and an off-chance commission of my work for a record sleeve by an American Jazz Musician. I have since shown work in the UK, USA and Russia. Currently building a body of work to hopefully take forward to a solo exhibition in the near future.


Crated pop-up art exhibition, SOHO Gallery, Chelsea NY 05/14

Abbey Walk Gallery – Winter Show (Three, One and Retaliate) 12/14

Humber to the wash open Exhibition- Ropewalk Gallery-Selectors choice 06-09/15

POP Art Gallery Winter show-12/15

#Gifted, AbbeyWalk Gallery winter Exhibition 12/15

ArtSPEAK/ArtWORK group show, Lakeside Gallery 11/16

Artist Showcase, DC Community Gallery, Cleethorpes 03/17

Shoestring, New Street Studios, Grimsby 11/16

20-21 Open exhibition-Winner Photography Prize 11/16

Gifted/Present, Discovery Centre, Cleethorpes 12/16

‘En plein air’ Group Show and lecture-Herzen State University, St Petersburg, Russia 03/2017

The Russian Connection (Group show)-Spout Yard Gallery, Louth- 06/18

A Case for Place-Summer exhibition- Steel Rooms, Brigg, N. Lincolnshire 06/18

Humber to the wash open exhibition-Exhibitor- 06-09/18

Insight Artists Open Studios Event-09/18

Current work

‘A day in the Life’ – (Group show)-Grimsby Minster 03-04/19


New York Times-Cd cover featured in music review for Ben Monder-Link

Featured artist-The Journal Magazine 02/15


Ben Monder (Sunnyside Records, NY) Hydra CD cover commission 08/13

PRO, Arts Meridian Project-2017-2018

Far and Near/Neverends- Promotional images for Catalogue and Postcards. 2017-2018

A day in the Life Group-Artist led group promoting art and exhibitions in North East Lincolnshire 2018-Present

All images ©Lee Gilby 2012

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